Professional Speaking

Career Consciousness

Professional Speaking

Drs. Helen and Eugene Richardson, Jr. each have special areas of expertise, in addition to those they share.

Dr. Helen A. Richardson, PCC

Dr. Richardson is recognized as a thought leader within the career development community. Her focus is on work – the power of work in our lives. Her talks include her personal journey as an 18 year old mother, youngest of nine, and her North Philadelphia roots, and how they helped to shape the meaning and purpose that fueled her career journey. Helen bootstrapped her way to a successful consulting practice. From her academic background and her experiences as HR manager, and as a career, life and executive coach, Dr. Richardson addresses strategies for a more positive and personally fulfilling work experience for leaders, youth, professionals and individuals. She shares inspiring stories that bring her two models for personal and professional development A New Way to Think About Work™ and Find Your Wings™ alive.

Dr. Richardson is a frequent presenter at colleges and universities, workforce development programs, and leadership and women’s forums.

Dr. Richardson has a doctorate in organizational and training from Temple University.  She is an adjunct instructor in Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s (PCOM) graduate program in organizational development.

Keynote and Inspirational Speaking Topics

  • A New Way to Think About Work
  • Career Coaching Your Child
  • 12 Steps to Effective Hiring for Small Business Owners
  • Relationships and Workplace Dynamics – Handling Difficult Conversations
  • Conversations on Aging
  • Work that Dirty Word Called Love
  • Find Your Wings

Areas of Expertise for the Media

  • Employee development
  • Career coaching
  • Employment issues: seniors, low-skill, and welfare-to-work populations
  • Youth apprenticeship and mentoring

Dr. Eugene J. Richardson, Jr.

Dr. Eugene Richardson

Dr. Eugene Richardson is one of the original Tuskegee Airman – a black fighter pilot from World War II. He is skilled at addressing that experience, as well as, black participation in the military. Dr. Richardson is a warmly received speaker who engages audiences from the very young to older populations. He enjoys both a national and international reputation, and has presented widely within the United States, and in Haiti, Canada, Kosovo, and Italy as part of the U.S. State Department’s speaker’s bureau.

Keynote and Inspirational Speaking Topics

  • Diversity and the Tuskegee experience
  • Education Starts at Home
  • African American military and aviation history
  • Find Your Wings

Areas of Expertise for the Media

  • Educational Leadership
  • Tuskegee Airman

Together, they talk about Find Your Wings – an important career and character building program that is based upon the core concepts of passion and persistence – perpetuating the legacy of the Tuskegee Airman.

Drs. Helen and Eugene Richardson are both available for professional speaking engagements and as experts for print and broadcast media.

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Find Your Wings!

Find Your Wings® is our adaption of A New Way to Think About Work® for youth and those new to the world of work. It is both a character-building and career development model.


Heartfelt thanks for last night’s terrific program. It was just what those in attendance needed. One of the participants was speaking to me afterwards about a job offer he had received; he actually said “that is my dignity talking”. The best measure of a program to me is that attendees immediately start using the information as applied to their own situation. You were truly a success. I really like this model of thinking about work. Too many people go immediately to the dollars and cents and this helps reroute that thinking. I hope you are having fun unveiling this concept to different groups and hearing them “get it”. Thank you for sharing your expertise and stories with GetWorks.

Beth WilsonCareer Coach