Career Development

Careers are personal and professional journeys – life journeys. We acknowledge the power of work in our lives. A New Way to Think About Work translates worker needs into business strategies for greater engagement, health, diversity and respect.

Professional Speaking Engagements

Dr. Helen Richardson challenges you to reflect on your relationship to work. Is it healthy or unhealthy? Her presentations are "tune ups" to drive your work life differently so that you are more self-aware, engaged and healthy.

Find Your Wings

Self-discovery, career exploration, character building, and work readiness activities for school aged youth grades 8 through 12 and adults. Giving them tools to make them both career and work ready.


Career Development

Careers are personal and professional journeys – life journeys. We acknowledge the power of work in our lives. A New Way to Think About Work translates workers needs into business strategies for greater engagement, health, diversity and respect.

What is Career Consciousness?

Established in 1996 as a minority and women owned enterprise, Career Consciousness is both a philosophy and a consulting firm. We believe that work can be a source of positive energy, satisfaction and success for individuals and employers. Career Consciousness’ career development, leadership training and workforce development consulting services are devoted to helping organizations maximize the human potential within their workforce. Our work begins and ends with a focus on self whether you are a top executive, supervisor, worker or new entrant – the work begins inside and then outside. Our core premise is that work is a relationship that either gives or takes energy. Understanding this makes a difference in how we manage ourselves and the practices of organizations.

We also work with individuals on a private basis helping them learn about themselves in order to navigate various work situations with increased self-awareness, confidence and personal accountability. Our innovative coaching and training model is called A New Way to Think About Work®. It was developed by our founder and CEO, Dr. Helen Richardson, PCC.

Our Mission

Career Consciousness facilitates individual and organizational capacity to see work differently – as a place for learning that results in personal and professional growth and business innovation. Through its coaching, consulting, and training services for leaders and employees, Career Consciousness transforms workplace challenges into opportunities for a renewed sense of purpose and drive. This new mindset creates a proactive work environment which aligns individual and organizational goals that lead to higher levels of engagement and productivity.

Our Vision

A workplace where employees and leaders own their interdependence and commit to grow and learn together for their personal and professional well-being and the health of the organization.

Workforce Engagement & Empowerment

Our coaching and training model A New Way to Think About Work® is a Human Resource Development process for a renewed sense of engagement, purpose and work-life balance. The Model provides structure for increased self-awareness, reflection and choices to resolve day-to-day work challenges. It can also be used in hiring, retention and professional development. The results are a more positive work culture with higher levels of accountability, clarity and focus. Workplaces are transformed into opportunities for individuals to grow as people and as professionals.

Each element of the Model is interdependent with the others. All elements give or take away positive energy.

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Work Brings Meaning & Purpose

The opportunity to pursue something that has value and importance to you in your current situation. Answers the questions: Is this worth my time and effort? Am I working for more than a paycheck? Am I using my strengths? Is this consistent with my short or long term goals?

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Work is Personal & Professional

With the speed of change and the use of technology, there is no off button. Personal issues are professional issues. The beliefs from our personal lives whether conscious or unconscious motivate our behavior.

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Work is a Relationship

Seeing Work as a Relationship represents a major shift in perspective about work. It is a strategy to understand fully the impact it has on you and the opportunities and challenges for growth, just as in a personal relationship.

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Work Directs Life Energy

Our thoughts and feelings create conditions of illness, stress, happiness or peace. Mindfulness is a practice that helps us continually monitor where we are by focusing on the interaction of the elements of the model and their impact on self and others – the mind, body and spirit connection.

Dr. Helen Richardson | Career Consciousness | Philadelphia, PA

Professional Speaking by Dr. Helen Richardson

Dr. Helen Richardson is founder and CEO of Career Consciousness. Helen has over 25 years of experiences in human resource management, career and executive coaching, employee, leadership, and workforce development. Her areas of expertise include:

  • Employee Development
  • Career Coaching
  • Employment Issues: Seniors, Low-skill, Welfare-to-Work Populations
  • Youth Apprenticeship & Mentoring

What People Are Saying

Find Your Wings®

Find Your Wings® is our adaption of A New Way to Think About Work® for youth and those new to the world of work. It is both a character building and career development model. Find Your Wings also serves as our major work readiness program for workforce development.

Our innovative approaches, help organizations make the shift to an environment that is: deliberately developmental, less stressful, more adaptable, positive, and culturally sensitive. These are essential changes for the recognition and satisfaction of needs of diverse cultures and multiple generations in the workplace.

Find Your Wings

Start On Your Path to Empowerment

Career Consciousness strengthens the connection between personal awareness and organizational success through their training, coaching, and consulting services.

Some of our customized solutions address the following:

  • Burnout
  • Employee Engagement
  • Career Concerns
  • Turnover
  • Leadership Gaps
  • Cultural Competence

We transform workplaces into new opportunities to grow and learn as a person, and as a professional.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the programs that we offer, please feel free to reach out to us as we would love to hear from you!

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