If you have any questions about our workshops or to book Dr. Helen Richardson or Dr. Eugene Richardson for a professional speaking engagement, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Find Your Wings® is our adaption of A New Way to Think About Work® for youth and those new to the world of work. It is both a character-building and career development model.
Thank you for all that you have done in my life and for the Career consciousness that has set me on this path of bringing me to the awareness of what my purpose is in life.
Robert HallFounder and Executive DirectorAmongst Men
I learned that as an ISTJ, I extrovert my thinking, which is true. The exercise gave me confidence in MBTI as a diagnostic tool.
Crystal CubbageWorkshop participant
By participating in this training, I have been given tools to recognize what is needed and where I best fit in, in the city government.